Vitex Agnus-Castus (Chaste Berry Tree) Seeds

Vitex Angus-Castus (Chaste Berry Tree) Seeds

Vitex Agnus-castus, otherwise known as Chaste Tree, is an aromatic ornamental shrub that is related to verbena. Growing to anywhere between 10-20 feet in height, this winter-hardy species has spikes of lavender flowers and is sometimes referred to as wild lavender. Chaste tree, native to the Mediterranean, is generally considered an easy plant to grow and is tolerant of drought and poor soil as long as it is well-draining. In the past, chaste berries, which look similar to peppercorns, were used as a pepper substitute. This led to the name Monk’s Pepper Tree. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that the chaste tree was capable of warding off evil. In magick, chaste berries are used as a protective herb for banishing evils from the household and removing negative energy. It is considered useful for purification, chastity and fertility. In herbal medicine, chaste berries are also used to balance hormones, especially during PMS episodes, and as a tonic for the female reproductive system. As part of this, chaste berries are also said to improve breast milk production. Chaste berries are also pounded down and applied for various pains, spasms and inflammation. Additionally, they are used to stop flatulence and diarrhea while promoting urination.

Growing Information: Seeds will benefit from exposure to cold for 3 weeks prior to germination. This can be accomplished by keeping refrigerated in a moist paper towel or moist sand. Afterwards, sow your seeds at a depth of about 1/2″ in a well-draining soil. Drainage is essential with this species, even though it can tolerate infertile or alkaline soils. Keep the soil warm and moist. Even after germination, the best growth will occur when the soil stays evenly moist (not wet). However, this species is known to tolerate drought. This plant can be grown indoors in a sunny location or outside. It is considered hardy in zones 5-9. When planting outdoors in a permanent location, it is best to wait until the plant reaches a height of about 1-2 feet so that it will be large enough to endure its first winter. Full sun will produce the best growth, although this species can tolerate partial sun. Trim back after frost if desired.

In purchasing, international buyers agree to assume the risk of arrival of all items. We cannot replace lost or seized items. You will be required to confirm that you agree to these terms before items can be sent.

Vitex Negundo (Chinese Chaste Berry Tree) Seeds

Vitex Negundo (Chinese Chaste Berry Tree) Seeds

Vitex Negundo, known as Chinese Chaste Tree is an ornamental, aromatic shrub related to the traditional Chaste Tree, vitex angus-castus. Vitex Negundo is also known as Fine-leaved Chaste Tree in addition to a number of Sanskrit and Indian names. The name chaste tree is derived from ancient Greece where Athenian women would place leaves of the chaste tree in their beds during the feast of Cereus to remain pure and virtuous. Herbal use has existed for centuries. The plant is reported to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. The leaves, flowers and roots of the plant have been used as an herbal remedy for joint inflammation, particularly from rheumatism, arthritis and sprains. It is perhaps because of its reported antifungal and antibacterial qualities that vitex negundo has been used as an herbal remedy for leprosy and other skin diseases. Other herbal applications for the Chinese Chaste Tree include diarrhea, cholera, liver disease, colds, flu and asthma. Like vitex angus-castus, the seeds of negundo can be used as a spice. Vitex negundo is native to the Mediterranean, Africa, Madagascar, the Philippines and central Asia, but it will grow in the parts of North America as well. Vitex Negundo will grow in colder climates than vitex angus-castus, but both my require protection from cold winter weather. It can grow to be five feet in the first season, but benefits from being cut back in the spring. It can eventually reach a height of up to 25 feet. This species also tends to attract bees that can pollinate your garden.

Growing Information: This species is considered hardy from zones 6-10. It does best in a sandy or clay loam in moderate to full sun. Sow your seeds at a depth of about 1/2’” in a well-draining soil. Drainage is essential with this species, even though it can tolerate infertile or alkaline soils. An ideal ph is around 5.5-7.5. Keep the soil warm and moist. Even after germination, the best growth will occur when the soil stays evenly moist (not wet). . This plant can be grown indoors in a sunny location or outside. When planting outdoors in a permanent location, it is best to wait until the plant reaches a height of about 1-2 feet so that it will be large enough to endure its first winter. Full sun will produce the best growth, although this species can tolerate partial sun. Trim back after frost if desired.

In purchasing, international buyers agree to assume the risk of arrival of all items. We cannot replace lost or seized items. You will be required to confirm that you agree to these terms before items can be sent.

Vitis Riparia (River Bank Grape / Frost Grape) Seeds

Vitis Riparia (River Bank Grape / Frost Grape) Seeds

Vitis Riparia is a North American perennial relative of the common grape (vitis vinifera) that it is widely used as a grafting stock for vitis vinifera. Also known as River Bank Grape, vitis riparia is integral to the winemaking process in many cases, even though the fruits are not used for fermentation. River Bank Grapes are generally considered too acidic a non-palatable to be used as a juice for wine production. But these wild grapes are much hardier than common grapes, being more resistant to cold and disease while also adapting to a wider range of soil. Some reports suggest that vitis riparia can cope with temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit! By using riparia as a grafting stock, it gives winemakers a much wider set of options, allowing grapes to thrive in conditions that might otherwise be problematic.

Growing Information: Vitis riparia usually prefers cold treatment in order to germinate. Usually a period of 3-7 months is ideal. In northern area, they can be sown outdoors in the fall for growth the following spring. In other areas, or when preferred, the seeds can be kept damp and placed in the fridge for the cold treatment period. Some growers choose to scarify, or sand down the seed coat a bit to allow moisture in more easily then soak the seeds for 24 hours. Be patient because seed can take up to a year to germinate. Riparia can tolerate a wide range of soils, although usual pH falls between about 6.1 and 8.5. These plants do well in shade, but they enjoy full sun as well. Provide structure for climbing. Little maintenance is required once the plant is established. This plant is ideal for zones 3-9.

In purchasing, international buyers agree to assume the risk of arrival of all items. We cannot replace lost or seized items. You will be required to confirm that you agree to these terms before items can be sent.

Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha / Indian Ginseng) Seeds

Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha / Indian Ginseng) Seeds

With origins on the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh) Ashwagandha has a variety of herbal uses. Used primarily as an immune booster, Ashwagandha is considered to be a rasayana herb, a term that means rejuvenation in ayurvedic medine. Roughly translating into “knowledge of long life,”  Ayurvedic medicine dates back to ancient India.

Some people call this plant Indian ginseng because it has similar uses to Ginseng in Chinese medicine. Several drug companies are currently competing for patents for Ashwagandha, claiming it to be effective as an antioxidant, aphrodisiac and diuretic. It is also used as a treatment for memory loss, fever, arthritis, tumors, anxiety and to promote overall wellness.

A part of the tomato family, Indian ginseng is a shrub that grows to be about 170cm tall. Its roots and berries are the source of its medicinal use. Several cultivars have been developed from Ashwagandha, it can also be found in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Mediterranean. Some people have complained about drowsiness as a side effect. Accordingly, it is also used for its sedative properties. As with any other herbal remedy, it is recommended you consult your doctor first.

Genus: Withania

Family: Solanaceae

Subfamily: Soloanales

Growing Information: Sow seeds by just pressing into a moist sandy soil mix. Maintain temperatures of about 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not prechill the seeds as studies have shown this to decrease viability. Indian Ginseng is considered to be an easy plant to grow once established. It grows best in full sunlight in dry, well-draining soil with a slightly alkaline ph. Seeds should be sown in early spring in a greenhouse or started indoors. Germination usually begins within two weeks.

In purchasing, international buyers agree to assume the risk of arrival of all items. We cannot replace lost or seized items. You will be required to confirm that you agree to these terms before items can be sent.

Yucca Brevifolia (Joshua Tree) Seeds

Yucca Brevifolia (Joshua Tree) Seeds

The Joshua Tree is a classic icon of the Mojave Desert and can be found throughout an area that includes California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. The tree was named by Morman immigrants who thought the tree reminded them of the biblical figure, Joshua, praying to the heavens. Joshua Tree is actually a succulent whose trunk is made of fibers, and unlike an actual tree, it does not have age rings that can be used to date the tree?s age. Specimens are said to be able to survive about 200 years though. The leaves of the tree are durable, making them a valuable material for weaving amongst natives like the Cahuilla Indians. Additionally, the buds are edible and the branches were used as fencing. Trees can reportedly reach about 45-50 feet.

Growing Information: Sow your seeds at a depth of 1/8″ in a commercial cactus potting mixture. Many growers prefer to set the pot in a dish of water, allowing the water to wick up through the soil. Some research suggests that keeping the seeds at high temperatures (around 90 degrees F) for about 5 minutes before planting will increase germination rates. Ideal germination temperature is roughly 64-77 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep moist throughout germination, but allow the soil to dry out after sprouting. Optimal daylight is 10 hours per day. Research also suggest that seedlings will grow best if subjected to 2 month of cold temperatures during the winter.

In purchasing, international buyers agree to assume the risk of arrival of all items. We cannot replace lost or seized items. You will be required to confirm that you agree to these terms before items can be sent.

Yucca Glauca (Soapweed Yucca) Seeds

Yucca Glauca (Soapweed Yucca) Seeds

Yucca Glauca, also known as Soapweed Yucca, is an evergreen succulent plant that is closely related to the agave genus. It can tolerate a wide variety of growing conditions from indoor to outdoor growth and drought to frost. Yucca glauca populates areas of mid-western North America from Mexico up into Canada. Yucca glauca is synonymous with yucca angustifolia, and it is grown as an ornamental or landscaping plant. This is not only because of its hardiness but also because of its ornamental leaf structure and flower stalks. The flowers, which naturally bloom in May through June, are white with leaves that resemble some types of palm. As the name suggests, soapweed yucca has been used to make soap and shampoos, particularly by the Native American tribes of the southwestern U.S. Several species of yucca, including yucca glauca, were used similarly by these tribes as herbal remedies. Yucca contains water-and-fat-soluble saponins that are a precursor to cortisone. Native Americans used yucca roots to treat skin and hair conditions as well as inflammation, rheumatism and arthritis. Aside from purported effects on inflammation, some attention has been focused on a possible benefit of yucca on cartilage by clearing toxins that inhibit its growth. Aside from herbal uses, Native Americans also used the leaves for weaving and textile production. The flowers, fruits and seeds were eaten and may perhaps be one of the more available sources of food in the desert.

Growing Information: Yucca glauca seeds strongly resemble those of agave. Yucca prefers a sandy, alkaline, well-draining soil. A commercial cactus mixture is suitable. No pretreatment is necessary for yucca glauca seeds. One way of planting is to place the seeds sideways with the rims of the seeds pointing down into the soil. The opposite side of the rim should be just about equal with the soil line. Keep the soil warm and moist, not wet. Plant may eventually reach four feet in height. Full sun is recommended but not required.

In purchasing, international buyers agree to assume the risk of arrival of all items. We cannot replace lost or seized items. You will be required to confirm that you agree to these terms before items can be sent.

Zornia Latifolia (Maconha Brava) Seeds

Zornia Latifolia (Maconha Brava) Seeds

Zornia Lateriflora is currently gaining attention amongst ethnobotanical collectors after hiding in the jungles of South America (especially Brazil) and Mexico where it was traditionally used as a sedative, a relaxant and a sleep-inducer. There are some indications that zornia may even work well with dreaming due to its hypnotic qullities. Natively, this perennial herb is known as zornia diphylla, maconha brava or barba de burro, and it is believed to have been used by Ancient Gods in that region. In fact, the herb appears in Albert Hoffman and Richard Evan Schultes’ legendary book, Plants of the Gods. Zornia’s recent attention seems largely due to the fact that it is an ingredient in some of the more popular herbal incense blends. Like baybean, it is considered a good and versatile mixing herb. We are proud to be one of the few privileged vendors offering this natural rarity.  We carry seeds, live plants, dried foliage and extract.

For more information visit:

Growing Information: These seeds have a soft, black outer seed coating covering the yellowish, hard seed. We have successfully germinated these seeds by scratching the seeds in a pinch of sand and then soaking in water overnight. We are not certain if the scratching is necessary, but we definitely do recommend soaking. These seeds enjoy a well-draining acidic mix. We have had success with Miracle Grow brand potting mix. This branching herb can grow to about 1.5-2 feet in height. It acts as a perennial in warmer climates. Once established, this species enjoys full sun and can tolerate drought.

In purchasing, international buyers agree to assume the risk of arrival of all items. We cannot replace lost or seized items. You will be required to confirm that you agree to these terms before items can be sent.

Acacia Maidenii (Maiden’s Wattle) – Live Plant

Also known as maiden’s wattle, acacia maidenii is one of the more popular acacia species although it is becoming increasingly scarce in the wild. Native to Austrailia, this perennial evergreen can be found growing at the edges of rainforests. Reaching 20-50 feet, maidenii forms a dense canopy of phyllodes with golden blooms. This fast-growing tree is hardy to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit and enjoys full sun to partial shade. A well-draining soil is required. In its first years, the soil should be kept fairly moist. However, acacia maidenii is somewhat drought-tolerant with age. Our current stock is grown from our seeds although a plant grown from cuttings of these plants may be given when seed-grown plants are not available.

Growing Information: Gradually acclimate your plants to a location in full sun or place under artificial lighting indoors. Soil should be fertile, well-draining and fertilized occasionally.

 We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Aloe Vera (Common Aloe) – Live Plant

Aloe Vera (Common Aloe) -  Live Plant

Aloe is a genus of over four hundred species. Among the most popular succulents, aloe grows in rosettes that resemble agave. The genus is native to Africa and its surrounding areas and has been historically used as a medicinal plant dating back to the Ancient Egyptians. It is still used today, particularly aloe vera, which is found in products used treat cuts and burns and promote skin rejeuvenation. Aloe species are also grown as ornamental succulents, which vary in their shapes, colors and flowers. They are ideal for rock gardens or as potted houseplants. Plants may be shipped bare root. 

 We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Argyreia Nervosa var. Nervosa “Hawaiian Strain” – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING


More commonly known as Hawaiian Baby Woodrose or elephant creeper, this perennial flowering vine is in the same family as morning glory (Convolvulaceae) and has similar characteristics. The name Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is said to be derived from the appearance of the seed pods which look like little wooden roses. Its leaves are heart-shaped and its trumpet-shaped flowers are white with deep purple throats. This species is not to be confused with Hawaiian Woodrose, which is another plant entirely. A. Nervosa is said to originate in Asia (Bangladesh) despite the plant’s more popular association with Hawaii. A. nervosa plants are slow-growing at first but will grow rapidly after reaching about twelve inches and can easily reach thirty feet with maturity. Since A. Nerovsa is a vine, it will need structure to climb and is especially useful in providing floral decor for fences, mailbox and trellis. These plants can be grown outdoors all year round where temperatures do not freeze or be put in pots and be brought indoors for the winter elsewhere. Cuttings can also be taken by layering. The roots, leaves and seeds were used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for a variety of purposes including, purification, nervous system support, joint health and sexual arousal. Despite traditional use in India, the seeds should not be used in the United States because they contain compounds that are illegal to ingest. Given its Asian origin, this plant does not appear to have been a part of South American shamanic traditions as some sources indicate. However, it is now cultivated tropical America.

 We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Artemisia Absinthium (Wormwood) – Live Plant

Artemisia Absinthium (Wormwood) - Live Plant

Wormwood is a highly aromatic, silvery-green, extremely hardy, perennial herb that has for centuries been used for an array of purposes. Among its various applications in folk medicine, it was used to alleviate stomach and digestive ailments, increase appetite and treat liver problems. However, overuse can cause negative health effects. It is the most notable ingredient in the legendary green liquor, absinthe. Native to Europe, it was brought the United States and is grown commercially in the northeast as well as in gardens throughout the country. The oil is used in aromatherapy. It is said to have antimicrobial properties and is used to treat worm infestations in pets. Wormwood also repels moths, slugs and other garden and household pests. The plants become hedge-like with age growing to about five to six feet in height, which makes wormwood a cheap, effective cover from neighbors.

Wormwood is extremely easy to grow. It can be grown in most soils and will even survive indoors. However, it prefers full sun. Slowly acclimate you plant to a place in full sun. A single plant can put on pounds per season.

 We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Calea Zacatechichi (Dream Herb) “Rest In Peace” Clone – Live Plant – FREE SHIPPING

Calea Zacatechichi (Dream Herb) seed pods


World Seed Supply is proud to bring to market Calea Zacatechichi “Rest in Peace” live plants. “Rest in Peace” is a bitter variety calea clone that we originally grew from seed. We also have another clone called “Satellite”.  If you’ve ever seen either of these names, they are clones that began right here. Our customers had been asking us for bitter variety plants for a long time.  So we were able to produce our own bitter calea strain, which is now being spread around the U.S.  We also offer the non-bitter variety, which is what the majority of calea plants available are. (Our primary non-bitter clone is called “Sweet Dreams”). But these bitter plants are quite rare. You will find a picture comparing the bitter (right) vs. non-bitter (left) calea leaf.   The non-bitter leaf tends to be more triangular in shape and is often a darker shade of green. Calea is a quick grower, but the bitter variety does require more light and water. Without these conditions, it is much more prone to leaf drop and spindly growth. If you see this, it is a sign that the plant needs more light. Cutting back the shoots will also help promote thicker, bushier growth.  We also offer a variety of other calea products and dreaming herbs.

Growing Information:

  We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Cestrum Nocturnum (Night-Blooming Jasmine) – Live Plant FREE SHIPPING

Cestrum Nocturnum (Night-Blooming Jasmine) - Live Plant

Cestrum Nocturnum is a perennial flowering shrub native to Central and South America. This rapid grower can easily reach 10-12 feet in height and usually must be trimmed back to maintain desired size, particularly if grown indoors. Cestrum nocturnum reproduces by seeds and stem cuttings that can be rooted in plain water. Therefore, trimming can be a time to multiply your plants. Cestrum nocturnum is commonly known as Night-blooming Jasmine, Night Queen or Lady of the Night. These names derive from cestrum nocturnum’s habit of blooming at night. The greenish white flowers of Night-blooming Jasmine are among the most fragrant in the world. Cestrum Nocturnum’s flowers resemble those of nicotiana alata, which is similarly named, Jasmine Tobacco. Jasmine Tobacco is also white-flowered, fragrant and blooms at night. Another commonality is that cestrum nocturnum, like tobacco, is a member of the nightshade (Solanaceae) family. Although it blooms at night, cestrum nocturnum is so potent that it is still fragrant during the day. To some, the scent is overpowering to the point that it can cause dizziness. Some growers say that the scent helps repel mosquitoes. Cestrum nocturnum produces white berries. The unripe berries are considered to be poisonous. But it seems that there is a tradition of shamanic use of the fresh or dried flowers in Nepal. The shamans there call it hosanna. Little is known in the Western world about the use of this plant in that way, and all parts of the plant are generally regarded as poisonous. Ingestion can be lethal.

 We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Coffea Arabica (Coffee) – Live Plant

Coffea Arabica (Coffee)  - Live Plant Seedling

Coffea Arabica is the variety whose beans are most commonly sold by coffee companies. Arabica has been cultivated in the Middle East since the sixth century, and evidence suggests that it was originally native to Ethiopia. As one of the world’s most popular commodities, it is grown commercially throughout South America. Commercial growth focuses on quick production and larger beans and so plants are placed in full sun and watered extensively. Naturally, though, coffee grows in a semi-shaded area, which is said to produce a higher quality, although smaller bean. Growing your own coffee allows you to control this factor and potentially produce a higher quality, more organic coffee. Coffee makes an excellent houseplant that is relatively easy to grow and requires low maintenance once established. Room temperature (65-70 degrees F) is ideal. It has attractive, dark green, glossy leaves. After two to three years, plants will begin blossoming white flowers and producing dark red cherries containing two beans each. Occasionally, berries will only contain a single bean, and these beans are said to have a distinct flavor. Outdoors plants can reach ten to thirty feet in height if left untrimmed. Plants are capable of producing up to two pounds of coffee beans per year. Indoor plants will not grow nearly as large and can easily be controlled by pruning. New plants can be propagated by taking cuttings as you prune.

Our plants are seedlings grown from seed. Growing from seed can be slow and tricky. These seedlings will save you significant time and possible failure growing from seed for not much more than a pack of seeds. Multiple plants may be sent in compots to save on shipping. These seedlings typically transplant easily. Seedlings will range in size depending on stock.

 We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Coleus Blumei (Painted Nettle) – Live Plant

Coleus Blumei (Painted Nettle) - Live Plant

Coleus Blumei is among the most beautiful plants on earth, known for its majestic rainbow leaves that rival even the petals of most flowers. With numerous variations, it is no wonder why growers call coleus “painted nettle”. Coleus is extremely easy to grow and works well as a houseplant or as an annual landscaping plant. Coleus was first studied by Gordon Wasson following his visits with Mazatec shamans in southern Mexico. It seems from his reports that the Mazatecs used this plant medicinally as well ceremonially. Later evidence shows conflicting data with regards to coleus?s herbal potential. But it has even been postulated that coleus has potential as a dreaming herb. As coleus grows, it will form lavender flower stalks. It can easily be propagated by cuttings and will do well in plain window light. Whether you?re looking for something that is attractive, hassle-free or that has a bit of historical significance, coleus is a great choice.

 We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Banisteriopsis Caapi (Yage’) “Cielo Strain” – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Banisteriopsis Caapi (Yage') "Cielo Strain" - Live Plant


Banisteriopsis caapi is a perennial vine native to the Amazon rainforest. The site of its thick, woody twists are quite captivating. This magical plant is deeply rooted in the history and tradition of natives of the Amazon region. This is a live plant of the Cielo Strain. This is one type of yellow caapi that was originally brought back from Peruvian Jungles by Terrence McKenna. It is one of the most reputable and sought-after varieties. Caapi can be an extremely fast grower. In ideal conditions, mature plants can grow as much as a foot per week!  We also supply various yage seeds and various cllors of vine in powder, shredded and whole form.

 We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Banisteriopsis Spp. (White Caapi) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Banisteriopsis Spp. (White Caapi) - Live Plant

Banisteriopsis caapi is a perennial vine native to the Amazon rainforest. The site of its thick, woody twists are quite captivating. This magical plant is deeply rooted in the history and tradition of natives of the Amazon region. Caapi can be an extremely fast grower. In ideal conditions, mature plants can grow as much as a foot per week. Typically, only forms of yellow caapi plants are sold. But this special white type is one of several types we offer, along with Red caapi (banisteriopsis muricata)  and Cielo caapi strains.  Historically, a number of vines were used in a similar manner, especially as you looked at different regions.   Since traditional naming is done regionally by many different indigenous groups, it makes naming them scientifically very difficult. It is actually unclear what the botanical name of this white caapi is, although it appears at least to be in the banisteriopsis genus, if not just a lighter form of banisteriopsis caapi. But there is actually more than one vine known as “White Ayahuasca Vine”.   The other, which we carry seeds for, is an entirely different genus just like black caapi is in the alicia genus.  Initially, these were all grouped together as varieties of banisteriopsis caapi. But our experience with growing the seeds, plants and dried vines of these different yage type is shedding light on what is a confusing subject for even other experts we’ve consulted. **ATTENTION**THESE SHIP FROM OUR GROWER IN FL. SHIPPING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Chromolaena Odorata (Dream Herb/ Hatz) “Sweet Dreams” Clone – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Calea Zacatechichi (Dream Herb) "Sweet Dreams" Clone - Live Plant


This is World Seed Supply’s own clone. We grew our original mother plants from seed and named it, “Sweet Dreams” in contrast to the bitter Calea Zaatechichi. At the time, it was thought to be a subspecies of calea zacatechichi,  These plants are clones of that original plant. “Sweet Dreams” plants are specimens of the so-called”non-bitter” or “sweet” variety.   The non-bitter type has long been the predominant type of plant that people buy and trade when they speak about calea, even though the bitter herb  is most commonly what is found when getting dried calea leaf.  We also offer two bitter clones, called Rest in Peace and Satellite.

After many years of debate within the community and even reliable sources, such as Erowid, posting info showing this plant to be a non-bitter variety of calea zacatechichi, we have come to find out that the true genus and species name for this plant is chromolaena odorata. Although not the subspecies of calea people thought it might be, it is a very useful medicinal plant that was used by the Mayans. It is known as “Hatz” in Mopan Mayan language. Coincidentally, Hatz has actually traditionally been used for insomnia and nervousness, so it could indicate that the plant has some type of relaxing effect that could affect dream activity.

Although testimony about  all dreaming herbs, whether they be calea, silene capensis, entada rheedi or mugwort, range quite a bit from person to person, there are certainly enough reports to suggest the potential for both types of calea to potentate dream activity.   Aside from individual variation and variation in samples, it also appears that most testimony, positive or negative, is based on experiences that involve far less material than what was traditionally used.

Besides it potential as a dreaming or sleeping herb, Hatz has other medicinal potential. It was traditionally used as an analgesic and for toothaches. But it’s most significant potential seems to be in the area of antimicrobial activity. We actually had a customer call us and tell us that this was one of the most effective plants he’d found for cold and flu. Upon further research, we found that chromeolena odorata is listed in a number of sources, online and in print, as a remedy for cold, flu, dysentery and as a treatment for wounds and burns. It is described as an antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and  a detoxifier.

As a houseplant, non-bitter calea is a quick grower and is one of the easiest plants to care for. It tolerates a wide range of light conditions and can be grown indoors or out. But it can easily become invasive outdoors if left to go to seed. It is a noticeably easier to grow than the bitter variety, particularly indoors.  Non-bitter calea grows taller and thicker, and it seems to recover from drought better.  It is also easier to clone.  The leaves are more triangular, and they bear a nice fragrance that resembles that given off by a tomato plant.

Growing Information:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Heimia Myrtifolia (Sinicuichi / Sun Opener) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Heimia Myrtifolia (Sinicuichi / Sun Opener) - Live Plant

Heimia Myrtifolia is considerably rarer, although similar in appearance and medicinal use to its cousin, Heimia Salicifolia. Heimia was used traditionally by a number of Native American cultures, particularly those occupying Mexico during the 1800’s. It is either heimia salicifolia or myrtifolia that is pictured on the Aztec statue of Xochipilli, or “Prince of Flowers”. It is hard to distinguish since the two are so similar. Some reports suggest that myrtifolia may be more pharmacologically active than salicifolia. Sedative, analgesic, anti-anxiety, antispasmodic, diuretic and various other properties have all been attributed to the herb. It was used a salve, tea or dried extract. Today, the plant is grown as an ornamental with attractive five-petaled, yellow flowers. It is hardy to zone 8 and easy to maintain. **ATTENTION**THESE SHIP FROM OUR GROWER IN FL. SHIPPING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.

Growing Information:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Heimia Salicifolia (Sinicuichi / Sun Opener) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Heimia Salicifolia, aka Sinicuichi or Sun Opener, is a decorative perennial, growing to roughly three meters. Heimia Salicifolia is one of several sacred plants featured on Xochipilli, a sixteenth century statue of the Aztec Prince of Flowers. It is also a reportedly a powerful natural anti-inflammatory due to the compounds nesodine, lyfoline and lythrine. It has long, glossy, oval leaves stretching from a stem that becomes woody as it matures. The plant develops yellow flower clusters between its sets of leaves. As the flowers fall, the bud contains a single seed pod. These spherical brown seed pods, which look much like a coriander seed, contain thousands of tiny brown seeds. These seeds are EXTREMELY small! Many new growers think the seeds have been crushed or are skeptical that such small seeds can produce a plant. Ironically, the seeds are so small that you probably couldn’t crush them if you tried. They should appear almost as a light brown dust. Their size is their natural way of being spread since they can easily be picked up by the wind and carried to new areas where the plant has not yet colonized. **ATTENTION**THESE SHIP FROM OUR GROWER IN FL. SHIPPING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.

Growing Information:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Justicia Pectoralis var. Stenophylla – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING


Justicia Pectoralis is largely undiscovered in the U.S. despite a long history as an ethnobotanical herb in Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela and generally across Latin America. Pectoralis is one of 300 species of Justicia. The Stenophylla variety of pectoralis, first described in 1958 by Emery Clarence Leonard, is generally considered to be the most important of all justicias. It has a stockier growth with narrower leaves than other varieties of justicia. Infamous tribes such as the Shipibo, Tarahumara, Yanomamo and the Waika? of Brazil employed the fresh and dried leaves in avenues of ritual and medicinal use. Justicia pectoralis was often used as a tea or decoction, and it was a common admixture herb. A decoction of justicia pectoralis leaves was believed to bring about good luck in fishing, according to Shipibo Indians. Yanomamo women decorated themselves with bundles of justicia leaves placed into holes in the earlobes, and it has been used as a female aphrodisiac. Justicia tea was used in folk medicine as a general tonic. Justicia was used to calm nerves, treat depression and soothe restlessness. A decoction of justicia pecotralis leaves was also widely used across Latin America to alleviate cold and flu symptoms, including runny nose, fever, cough, headache, weakness, loss of appetite and vomiting. Justicia pectoralis also seems to benefit the stomach in cases of heartburn and colic. Chemicals such as betaine, justicidine B, umbelliferone, benzopyrane and various coumarins have been isolated from the plant, but justicia?s chemistry and enthopharmacology are still not well-understood. Coumarin and umbelliferone are thought to have relaxant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cumarins, especially in the dried leaf, also have pleasant aromatic properties for which the leaf has been especially valued. Coumarins are the same substance that is found in sweet grass and sweet woodruff. Coumarin has been used in the fragrance industry, and it is an anti-coagulant. Coumarin is a precursor for warfarin, a popular blood thinner known by the brand name Coumadin. This seems to explain justicia’s folk use in treating heart conditions. We are proud to offer live plants of this remarkable and understudied herb.

Growing Information: Justicia Pectoralis is a jungle plant that does well in low-light conditions. For that reason, it generally makes a good houseplant. It likes a deep, rich soil with plenty of moisture-holding capacity. The stems readily form aerial roots, which makes reproduction via cloning an easy process. It is possible to reproduce from seeds, but cuttings are the primary method. 

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Leonotis Leonurus (Wild Dagga Lion’s Tail) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Leonotis Leonurus (Wild Dagga Lion's Tail) - Live Plant

Wild dagga (leonotis leonurus), also known as Lion’s tail, is closely related to Klip dagga (leonotis  nepetifolia). Both are similar in that they have gorgeous bright orange flower clusters and are used similarly as medicinals for things like stress relief, fever and cough. Wild dagga is one of several herbs traditionally used by the Xhosa tribe of South Africa. Its active constituent is called leonurine. We offer both seeds and flowers of this species. **ATTENTION**THESE SHIP FROM OUR GROWER IN FL. SHIPPING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.

Growing Information:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.



Leonotis Nepetifolia (Klip Dagga / Lion’s Ear) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Leonotis Nepetifolia (Klip Dagga / Lion's Ear) - Live Plant


Klip dagga (leonotis nepetifolia), also known as Lion’s ear, is closely related to wild dagga (leonotis leonurus). Both are similar in that they have gorgeous bright orange flower clusters and are used similarly as medicinals for things like stress relief, fever and cough. Klip dagga has been naturalized in a wide range of tropical areas, including South America and Hawaii. But it can easily be grown in the summers of most locations on earth.

Both wild and klip dagga have their own advantages. Klip dagga is said to be very much the stronger of the two and emits a very skunky aroma that many people find particularly pleasant.  However, the idea about strength seems to pertain more to the leaf material and perhaps the petals.  Klip dagga pods tend to turn brown with maturity and are usually less desirable than those of leonotis leonurus at that point. If you can dry the pods before they set seed, they will remain green. But they are essentially clusters of needle-tipped capsules, and that make handling particularly annoying and painful.

Klip dagga has much larger leaves though, and they produce much more biomass. The biggest of klip dagga’s heart-shaped leaves can be the size of an adult hand, and the plants can reach upwards of 10 feet in just a few months of outdoor growing! Klip dagga can be grown indoors too, and it will even set seed. But the plants will only be a small-scale model of their outdoor counterparts.  Klip dagga also sets seed much more readily than wild dagga, and it will usually reseed the area it is growing in so that you do not have to buy or sow seed every year. You can tell the two species apart by their seeds.

Although similar, klip dagga seeds are shorter and fatter than the longer, thinner wild dagga seeds.  We’ve encountered many vendors who have the two species mixed up. Even print catalogs of some pretty large companies have mistaken leonotis leonurus as leonotis nepetifolia. You can be sure that we know the difference, and you have the option of ordering both species from us.

Growing Information:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Lycium Barbarum (Goji Berry) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Lycium Barbarum (Goji Berry) - Live Plant


Lycium Chinense, which goes by the same common names. Both of these species are commercially known as Goji berry. Both berries have a similar appearance, nutritional value and taste. We are proud to offer seeds for both species.

Goji Berry, also known as Chinese wolfberry, is a cold-hardy, perennial shrub that grows in many regions of the world, but which is specifically cultivated in China. It has been reportedly used in Chinese medicine for nearly 2000 years. The red-orange fruit is usually sold dried in health food stores, but it can also be found as a juice or liquid extract. This SUPERFRUIT is used in cooking and has a long resume? of reported health benefits. It is said to boost the immune system, which could have to do with the berries? high vitamin C content. Aside from vitamin C, they contain high levels of antioxidants, Iron, Vitamin B2 and selenium. It is also said to increase HGH (human growth hormone) production in the body and increase circulation. Both of these could explain why Goji is said to increase sperm production in males. In pregnant females, the berries have been used to alleviate morning sickness. They also have beneficial effects on the liver and are used for detoxification and to treat hepatitis. Other uses include battling insomnia and improving memory.

Growing Instructions: After acclimation, plants can be transplanted to full sun or partial shade. Full sun will result in more berries. They can withstand considerable drought and will self-pollinate. The plants will start producing berries in the second or third season of growth. If kept in a pot, be sure to give considerable rootspace. They can reach up to ten feet with maturity. Once established, pruning may be desired.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Mimosa Pudica (Sensitive Plant) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Mimosa Pudica (Sensitive Plant) - Live Plant

Mimosa pudica, known as sensitive plant, is fascinating to children and adults alike because its leaves quickly fold up when touched or exposed to heat, returning to normal after a few minutes. It is most sensitive in full sun. Pudica follows the common mimosa form with attractive pink pom pom flowers. Although it may survive as a perennial in its native Brazil it is typically grown as an annual in cultivation and makes a good potted plant. Reaching 12? in height, pudica has reportedly been grown both indoors and out. It is also said to have various medicinal properties that are employed in Ayurvedic medicine. It is also reportedly being studied by pharmaceutical companies for uses such as hair replacement and nerve regeneration. **ATTENTION**THESE SHIP FROM OUR GROWER IN FL. SHIPPING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.

Growing Information: Gradually acclimate your plants to a location in full sun or place under artificial lighting indoors. Soil should be fertile, well-draining and fertilized occasionally.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Opuntia Humifusa (Eastern Prickly Pear) – Live Cactus Pad

Opuntia Humifusa (Eastern Prickly Pear) - Live Cactus Pad

This listing is for one pad of this prickly pear cactus. The genus opuntia is host to a number of different species of cold hardy cacti whose edible fruits are collectively known as prickly pears. This specimen is originally from a wildharvested specimen found on the North shore of Long Island, NY.  These cacti are so hardy that unrooted pads have been left out in the harsh winter only to bounce back and root in the spring. Rooting pads is as simple as burying part of the pad in a well-draining soil. They are capable of growing in a variety of mediums including pure beach sand. As the pads root, they will grow multiple pads until they form huge stands that will eventually grow fruits. This is a great cactus for those who have little luck with growing plants because it is so hardy. It is also a good choice for new cacti growers because it can withstand growing in a wide range of climates.  The following stand in the picture began as a single pad and has since been divided to form other stands.  Opuntia is also a very fast-growing genus of cacti, and for that reason it is a popular choice for grafting other slower-growing species such as astrophytum, ariocarpus or lophophora.

For more info on “How to Root a Cactus Cutting” visit:




Passiflora Caerulea (Blue Passion Flower) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Passiflora Caerulea (Blue Passion Flower) - Live Plant


Blue passion flower is one of the hardiest and most popular species of passiflora along with passiflora incarnata. The extreme desirability of this Brazilian perennial vine as a cultivated ornamental is the result of its breathtaking blue and white flowers, which are sweet-scented and can measure up to 10 centimeters. Like incarnata, it is extremely hardy and fast-growing, which makes it a great rootstock for other species of passiflora such as p. edulis. The vine itself can stretch to thirty feet, and it can reportedly withstand temperatures as low as -15 degrees Fahrenheit. In frosty areas, the foliage will die back but the roots will remain. Be sure to mulch the roots in the fall to protect them from the cold. It is ideal for decorating structure such as fences, lattice, trellis and mailboxes and will thrive in almost any soil as long as it is well-draining. It has the added benefit of attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. Plants can be propagated by cuttings, layering or seeds. Woody cuttings should be taken in early summer. The seeds can be collected from the fruits that have fallen from the vine and dried. However, fruits will not form in all environments. The flowers, although to a lesser extent than p. incarnata, are used fresh or dried to make a relaxing tea that is useful for anxiety relief and insomnia. The leaves contain small amounts of cyanide and should not be ingested. Boiling is said to remove the toxins. Blue passion flower also contains small amounts of at least one MAOI and should not be consumed along with certain foods or drugs.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Passiflora Edulis (Passion Fruit) – Live Plant

Passiflora Edulis (Passion Fruit) - Live Plant


Passiflora edulis is among the most popular species in its genus because it’s one of the easiest passifloras to grow and its delicious fruit is cultivated commercially in South America. Like all passifloras, passiflora edulis flowers are absolute works of art. Having white centers and purple petals, edulis flowers measure roughly four inches, are fragrant and will likely attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden. The fruits are brown to purple and are not only delicious but contain enzymes that act as digestive stimulants. Native from Brazil through Argentina, this tropical/subtropical vine is hardy to about 35 degrees Fahrenheit, although there have been reports of vines grown in Florida that survived freezing temperatures. To increase their hardiness, these vines are frequently grafted onto hardier species such as caerulea and incarnata. Edulis is ideal for decorating structure such as fences, lattice, trellis and mailboxes and will thrive in almost any soil as long as it is well-draining and not too acidic. It has been reported to work well in hanging containers. The air-dried leaves are said to contain passiflorine, which is a mild sedative/tranquilizer found in several passiflora species, especially incarnata. This species reportedly contains small amounts of at least one MAOI and should not be consumed along with certain foods or drugs. The fruits of this variety are light purple with some yellow.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.



Passiflora Incarnata (Purple Passion Flower) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING


Purple passion flower is one of the hardiest and most popular species of passiflora. It is revered for its surreal, sweet-scented flowers, its sugary fruit and its medicinal value. This fast-growing perennial vine can reportedly withstand temperatures as low as -25 degrees Fahrenheit and can be found growing wild in most of the United States west of Texas and south of New York. In frosty areas, the foliage will die back but the roots will remain. This makes incarnata a good grafting stock for other species of passiflora. New growth generally begins again in May, hence the name “maypop”. In a single season in good growing conditions, the vine is said to be capable of putting on 20-30 feet of growth. Most growers prune the plants to prevent crowing while also harvesting fresh herb. As an ornamental, it is ideal for decorating structure such as fences, lattice, trellis and mailboxes and will thrive in almost any soil as long as it is well-draining. It has the added benefit of attracting hummingbirds. Plants can be propagated by cuttings, layering or seeds. The seeds can be collected from the fruits that have fallen from the vine and dried. Be sure to mulch the roots in the fall to protect them from the cold. The flowers are used fresh or dried to make a relaxing tea that is useful for anxiety relief, insomnia and digestion problems. It is also considered an aphrodisiac for both sexes. Passiflora incarnata has been long been valued in traditional herbal medicine and is still widely available today in a variety of forms that include bagged teas, tinctures and liquid and solid extracts. Purple passion flower contains at least one MAOI and should not be consumed along with certain foods or drugs.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Passiflora Decaisneana (Grenadilla) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Passiflora Quadrangularis (Giant Grenadilla) - Live Plant


This species is a wonderful hybrid between passiflora quadrangularis and passiflora alata. Its flowers, which look like those of quadrangularis, are among the nicest of all passifloras. This species is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds, and it can be grown indoors and in containers. That means it can be brought in for the winter in cooler areas where it will normally freeze. Outside, it enjoys sun partial shade.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Piper Auritum (Rootbeer Plant / False Kava) – Live Plant – FREE SHIPPING

Piper Auritum (Rootbeer Plant / False Kava) - Live Plant

Piper Auritum is a perennial plant in the pepper family. It is almost identical to kava kava, and the two are often mistaken for one another. For that reason, the plat is sometimes called False Kava. Piper Auritum has a spicy anise-like or Root Beer scent, for which it is also sometimes called Root Beer Plant. The essential oil of piper auritum leaves contains high levels of safrole, which is the same essential oil that give sassafras its root beer scent. Piper auritum leaves can handle temps down to about freezing, and the roots can survive even cooler temperatures. It is extremely easy to care for as long as it is well-watered. It prefers partial to full shade and can be grown indoors. WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF HALF GALLON AND LARGER SIZE PLANTS AT THIS TIME. PLANTS MAY BE SHIPPED WITHOUT A POT TO ACCOMMODATE SHIPPING IN A FLAT RATE BOX. SHIPPING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE. 

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Piper Methysticum (Kava Kava) “ISA Strain” – 12-15″ Live Plant Rooted Cutting

We offer well-rooted kava stem cuttings of LARGE plants. The leaves will be cut back for shipping. Kava regrows leaves and new stems readily, and the roots will already be filling up the pot they come in. Many have multiple stems with multiple nodes. These can be grown out easily by transplanting into a larger pot and still used to make multiple cuttings. 

Piper Methysticum is a relative of black pepper and the betel plant, which grows on several South Pacific islands. The plant has a “deep-rooted” tradition as a social drink amongst natives of the region. Known as kava or grog, a cold-pressed brew of the pulverized root is served in wooden bowls during various ceremonies. The roots may also be chewed, producing a numbing sensation on the mouth. There are various strains and types of kava, which vary in potency. In Vanuatu, there are restrictions on what types of kava can be exported. Anything too weak or too strong is prohibited from being exported. Today, kava is found in a variety of forms including powdered root, whole root, pulverized root, powdered extract and paste. Each variety and form can differ greatly in effectiveness. The active ingredients in kava are called kavalactones. Kava has shown evidence of having sedative properties. Kava is said to be a very effective anxiety remedy, and it has been reported to stop panic attacks in their tracks for some users. It is also used by many as a sleep aid by calming the mind and body. Recent research has also been conducted that indicated that kava may have anti-cancer potential. Kava use has been linked to instances of liver disease. But the reports prompted research which later revealed that the hepatoxic components of kava were limited to the leaves and upper stems. Studies on the roots showed them to be free of these same components. The problem seemed to have originated when supplement companies, in an effort to increase profits, adulterated their kava root with other parts of the plant that were not traditionally part of kava consumption. Since then, those practices, which threatened the entire kava industry, have ceased. Certain individuals may experience allergies to kava. Chronic use is discouraged. We offer live starter-sized kava plants.

Kava Plants are here! This is the “Isa” variety. Reports indicate that is is one of the more easily-grown kava strains, but it is also quite strong. It is often considered too strong for ceremonial use, and is generally reserved for medicinal use indigenously. But kava plants grown outside their native habitat or younger roots may also fail to reach the same level of kavalactones.

Growing Information: 1.Prepare your transplant medium. Use a very well draining soil (1 part potting soil 1 part coco choir or peat moss 1/2 part vermiculite 1/2 part perlite works best)

2.Pick your pot. Picking a tall flexible medium sized pot works best make sure it has very good draining holes. Side and bottom holes would be best.

3.Making your humidity dome. First take an empty 2-liter soda bottle and cut the bottom off as low as you can so that you still have a nice circular edge.

4.Transplanting. Take you bare rooted cutting and place in to soil mix until the cutting node is fully covered and lightly press down around the base of the cutting. Water then place humidity dome directly over the center of the plant.

5.Watering. Water your rooted cutting once to twice a day make sure to water until water drains from the bottom of the pot.

6. Acclimating. Slowly introduce the cutting to your home conditions. After the first week take off the bottle top. Wait another week or so and remove the humidity dome. after a few days you can introduce to the open air outside.

Kava likes partial sun so a shaded area with direct morning sun is best 70f to 90f with high humidity 60% to 100% are the optimal conditions. *DO NOT TRANSPLANT KAVA IN TO BIGGER POTS UNLESS THE ROOT SYSTEM HAS FILLED AT LEAST 80% OF THE INSIDE OF THE POT OR RISK MAJOR ROOT DAMAGE!

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.



Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper / Peppercorn) – Live Plant

Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper / Peppercorn) Plant - Live Plant

Piper nigrum, commonly known as black pepper, is perhaps the most widely used spice in the U.S. The species name, “nigrum”, means “black”. The piper genus brings us many other useful plants including kava kava (piper methysticum), root beer plant (piper auritum) and the betel leaf (piper betel), which is paired with the betel nut (areca catechu)and other species to make the stimulant cocktail, paan. Piper Nigrum, like these other relatives, is a vine, and it can reach about 15 feet in length. Piper Nigrum requires structure to climb unless it is cut back. Pepper is made from the dried unripe fruit of the plant, otherwise known as a peppercorn. The culinary importance of black pepper needs no introduction. Pepper also has some medicinal uses and would be considered a warming herb in Ayurveda. It is most used as a remedy for sore throats and coughs and it is considered a good source of antioxidants. Despite containing small amounts of safrole, which is said to be mildly carcinogenic, pepper itself is said to be anti-carcinogenic. The primary alkaloid, which gives pepper its spiciness, is piperine. In lab tests, piperine has shown promise as an anti-depressant. It is thermogenic, meaning that it produces heat through metabolic stimulation. As a result, you can find piperine or black pepper in various fat burning supplements too.

Piper Nigrum can be grown indoors under lights indoors. Temperatures should be kept above 60 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity above 50%. Piper Nigrum can be a year-round outdoor plant in zones 10 and above. Outside, black pepper plants like partial shade. Peppercorns can be harvested after about a year of growth.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Phalaris Arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass) “Big Medicine” -Live Plant

Phalaris Arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass) "Big Medicine" - Live Plant

These genetics are clones from the so-called “Big Medicine” strain of reed canary grass. By dividing this plant from the rhizomes (as opposed to growing from seed), the end product is a clone. As a clone, it ensures that the genetics of the mother plant are replicated whereas growing from seed can give you a bit more genetic variability. The Big Medicine variety, like the Yugo Red (also available), is believed to be more beneficial as a grazing grass due to a lower content of the alkaloid gramine, something present in the plant which could be harmful to certain livestock. It has attractive pinkish red seed heads that make it an ideal ornamental grass. Given good rich soil and plenty of water, this grass will grow like crazy. As the clump is grown out, its rhizomes will spread, sending out genetically identical plants. Any seeds that come about will usually produce plants with similar, but not genetically identical traits. We purchased our original plants several years back. This is a very rare product, but we are offering the public a a chance to collect these normally private genetics. This product is intended for serious botanical collectors only who can appreciate this rarity.

Each item contains one potted plug suitable for starting your own patch. These have very thick rhizomes that spread quickly in good conditions. Additionally, we carry another clone called Phalaris “Yugo Red”.

Growing Information:


We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Phalaris Arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass) “Yugo Red” -Live Plant

Phalaris Arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass) "Yugo Red" -Live Plant

These genetics are clones from the so-called “Yugo Red” strain of reed canary grass. By dividing this plant from the rhizomes (as oppposed to growing from seed), the end product is a clone. As a clone, it ensures that the genetics of the mother plant are replicated whereas growing from seed can give you a bit more genetic variability. The Yugo Red variety is believed to be more beneficial as a grazing grass due to a lower content of the alkaloid gramine, something present in the plant which could be harmful to certain livestock. It has attractive pinkish red seed heads that make it an ideal ornamental grass. Given good rich soil and plenty of water, this grass will grow like crazy. As the clump is grown out, its rhizomes will spread, sending out genetically identical plants. Any seeds that come about will usually produce plants with similar, but not genetically identical traits. We purchased our original plants several years back. This is a very rare product, but we are offering the public a a chance to collect these normally private genetics. This product is intended for serious botanical collectors only who can appreciate this rarity.

Each item contains one potted plug suitable for starting your own patch. These have very thick rhizomes that spread quickly in good conditions. Additionally, we carry another clone called Phalaris “Big Medicine”.

Growing Information:


We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Rivea Corymbosa (Ololiuqui) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING


Rivea Corymbosa, also known as Ololiuhqui or snake plant, is a flowering vine related to morning glory and Hawaiian baby woodrose. All are members of the Convolvulaceae family with rivea unquestionably being the rarest of the three. Rivea’s beautiful bell-shaped flowers are white and its leaves are spade-like. This perennial climber is great for adorning fences, railings, trellis and mailboxes. Although valued as a sacred plant for hundreds of years in Southern and Central Mexico, coakihuitl, as it was called by the Aztecs, which means “snake plant”, was first described to westerners by explorer Francisco Hernandez as part of his job of describing the botanical specimens of Mexico for King Phillip II of Spain. In colder climates, rivea corymbosa should be grown as a potted plant and brought indoors for the coldest months.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.



Sida Cordifolia (Bala) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Sida Cordifolia (Bala) - Live Plant


Sida Cordifolia is a fast-growing, yellow-flowered perennial native to the plains of India, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. But this species can now be found growing in much of the rest of the world, including Africa, Australia, Hawaii and the southern U.S. Sida cordifolia has a serrated, heart-shaped leaf at each node and reaches approximately two to three feet with maturity. It is these heart-shaped leaves that the name “Cordifolia” refers to. Sida Cordifolia has had relatively limited herbal use in the United States until recent years, but it has been widely used in Ayurveda medicine for thousands of years. The roots, leaves and seeds are all used. Sida cordifolia is reportedly employed for a variety of purposes including as an anti-inflammatory, a diuretic, a metabolism and energy booster, a bronchodilator, an appetite suppressant and an aphrodisiac. The aerial parts of the plant are known to be significant stimulant. Sida cordifolia can be found in energy, weight-lifting and weight-loss supplements.

Growing Information: Since Sida Cordifolia often grows in wastelands it can tolerate poor soils if necessary. However, the soil should be well-draining. Perlite can be added to a commercial potting mix for a suitable medium for growing in containers.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.



Theobroma Cacao “Red Forestero” – Live Plant

Theobroma Cacao "Criollo" - Live Plant

This is a seed-grown plant of the Criollo variety of theobroma cacao. These have medium red colored pods.. We also offer Trinitario cacao plants and seeds. But the Criollo is sought after by a lot of growers. Typical plants are about 6″-10″. Cacao typically needs a partner for pollination, so two plants are ideal if fruiting is desired. You can buy two of this type, or you can buy a Trinitario plant along with this if you are looking to fruit them.

Raw cacao powder is known as Food of the Gods, a name which derives from early use by South American tribes, most notably the Aztecs and Mayans. Cacao was so revered that the beans were used as currency. Today, it has become evident that cacao is responsible for a number of different health benefits, including effects on cholesterol, digestion and mood. It contains, among other things, antioxidants, caffeine, flavonoids, phenylethylalamine, theobromine and tryptophan. It can be naturally sweetened with stevia.  Cacao is a little finicky, although it is much easier than dealing with the seeds. Buyers are fully responsible for keeping the plant alive once it arrives.

Growing Information:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.


Theobroma Cacao “Large Round Trinitario” – Live Cocoa Plant

Theobroma Cacao "Trinitario" (Large Round Fruit) - Live Plant

This is a seed-grown plant of the Trinitario variety of theobroma cacao.  These have very large round pods and large seeds. We also offer several other varieties of cacao.  Trinitario is one of the three main types of cacao, which also includes Forastero and Criollo.  This is just one form of the Trinitario we offer. Typical plants are about 8″-12″ depending on timing.  Cacao typically needs a partner for pollination, so two plants are ideal if fruiting is desired. You can buy two of this type, or you can buy a Criollo plant along with this if you are looking to fruit them.

Raw cacao powder is known as Food of the Gods, a name which derives from early use by South American tribes, most notably the Aztecs and Mayans. Cacao was so revered that the beans were used as currency. Today, it has become evident that cacao is responsible for a number of different health benefits, including effects on cholesterol, digestion and mood. It contains, among other things, antioxidants, caffeine, flavonoids, phenylethylalamine, theobromine and tryptophan. It can be naturally sweetened with stevia.  Cacao is a little finicky, although it is much easier than dealing with the seeds. Buyers are fully responsible for keeping the plant alive once it arrives.

Growing Information:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Trichocereus Bridgesii (Achuma Cactus) – Live Plant Center Cutting- FREE SHIPPING


This fast-growing columnar cactus is widely collected as an ornamental and landscaping cactus. It is also a choice grafting stock for speeding up the growth of slower-growing cacti such as astrophytum and ariocarpus. We have a select few 12” center cuttings. They are well-calloused on the end. his is a great price. We have gotten more money for smaller cutting at auction.

Trichocereus bridgesii, also classified as Echinopsis lageniformis, is a bluish-green columnar cactus native to Boliva, which is also where these seeds are from. It resembles the more common San Pedro cactus (T. pachanoi) but typically has fewer, wider ribs and longer spines. In fact, many references to San Pedro in Bolivia are believed to actually be referring to bridgesii rather than pachanoi. This cactus has gained much popularity among cactus collectors in recent years. Like pachanoi, it has huge, white blooms that make it an attractive andscaping cactus. It grows a little bit slower than pachanoi but is still a rapid grower, making it one of several trichocereus species that work well as a grafting stock for slower-growing cacti such as astrophytum and ariocarpus. It can reach fifteen feet in height and tends to produce offsets rather easily. T. bridgesii is also easy to grow from seed, but its seedlings are more prone to turning purple than many other trichocereus species when exposed to sunlight. When this occurs, be sure to reduce their exposure. It is hardy to about 30 degrees Fahrenheit and should only be watered during active growth when the soil has dried out. During the winter in areas where temperatures are too cold, plants should be brought inside where they will go dormant (stop growing). Prior to entering dormancy (late September-early October), watering should be slowly reduced until it reaches none. Plants should be brought indoors and stored in a cool, dry, dark place. Since it is not growiing, it does not require any of these essentials. When breaking dormancy, a reverse process can be applied. This will ensure nice, even growth to your cacti and reduce the chance of infection due to overwatering when the cactus’s immune system is at rest.

How to root your cactus cuttings:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Trichocereus Bridgesii (Achuma Cactus) – Live Plant Seedling

Trichocereus Bridgesii (Achuma Cactus) - Live Plant Seedling

These seedlings were grown from our own stock of seeds and are several months in age. These seedlings are ideal for new growers who may not be confident growing from seeds or those who wish to get a good head start. Growing from seeds can be rewarding, but it is not for everyone. So to offer our buyers a wide variety of choices we are offering these seedlings already started. Average height about 1′-1.5″. These seedlings have great genetics and are fast growers. They’ve outperformed most of the cactus seeds we’ve ever grown. Seedlings will be shipped bare root. They can be gently transplanted into a general purpose cactus soil and will do well under fluorescent lights. They can be grown outdoors, but must be very gradually acclimated or they will sunburn or dry up. It would probably be best growing them indoors for one season (possibly two) and moving them outdoors the following summer. In areas where it freezes, they can be brought indoors for the cooler months.

Trichocereus bridgesii, also classified as Echinopsis lageniformis, is a bluish-green columnar cactus native to Boliva, which is also where these seeds are from. It resembles the more common San Pedro cactus (T. pachanoi) but typically has fewer, wider ribs and longer spines. In fact, many references to San Pedro in Bolivia are believed to actually be referring to bridgesii rather than pachanoi. This cactus has gained much popularity among cactus collectors in recent years. Like pachanoi, it has huge, white blooms that make it an attractive andscaping cactus. It grows a little bit slower than pachanoi but is still a rapid grower, making it one of several trichocereus species that work well as a grafting stock for slower-growing cacti such as astrophytum and ariocarpus. It can reach fifteen feet in height and tends to produce offsets rather easily. Trichocereus bridgesii is also easy to grow from seed, but its seedlings are more prone to turning purple than many other trichocereus species when exposed to sunlight. When this occurs, be sure to reduce their exposure. It is hardy to about 30 degrees Fahrenheit and should only be watered during active growth when the soil has dried out. During the winter in areas where temperatures are too cold, plants should be brought inside where they will go dormant (stop growing). Prior to entering dormancy (late September-early October), watering should be slowly reduced until it reaches none. Plants should be brought indoors and stored in a cool, dry, dark place. Since it is not growiing, it does not require any of these essentials. When breaking dormancy, a reverse process can be applied. This will ensure nice, even growth to your cacti and reduce the chance of infection due to overwatering when the cactus?s immune system is at rest.

Read our guide “How to Transplant a Cactus Seedling”

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Trichocereus Macrogonus (Big Mac Cactus) – Live Plant Cutting- FREE SHIPPING

This trichocereus species is most closely related to trichocereus peruvianus, although seeds and specimens are less readily available. Also a relative of  trichocereus bridgesii and trichocereus pachanoi, macrogonus grows wild in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. It is characterized by its bluish-green skin, thick stems and multiple brown spines. Macrogonus is said to be the fastest-growing of all trichocereus species. THESE PLANTS SHIP FROM OUR GROWER IN CALIFORNIA. SHIPPING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.

How to root your cactus cuttings:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Trichocereus Pachanoi var. Juul’s Giant – Live Plant Cutting- FREE SHIPPING


The Tom Juul’s Giant or simply Juul’s Giant is a cultivar of trichocereus pachanoi that is known for fat stems and almost non-existent spines. While the Backberg clone (the predominant cultivar) of trichocereus pachanoi is already known to have very small spines, those of the Juul’s Giant are distinctly smaller. The Juul’s Giant is a highly coveted cactus that should be in every serious collector’s collection. We are proud to be able to offer 12″ tip cuttings of this prized cactus. All cuttings will be shipped from our farm out west where they can grow nice and fat.

Trichocereus Pachanoi is perhaps the most famous of the trichocereus species. This easy-to-grow, ornamental, columnar cactus is popular for a variety of reasons. It is a sacred symbol with a long history of sacramental use amongst the various peoples of its native habitat, which stretches from the Andes of Peru to Bolivia to Ecuador. A common landscaping cactus, pachanoi is also tolerant of a wide variety of conditions and can handle more water and fertilization than most cacti, making it a good species for beginners. Its small spines also make it easier to handle for those who are not experienced with dealing with sharp spines or those who have curious kids or pets that may be injured by larger spines. Additionally, it is a rapid grower, making it a favorite grafting stock for speeding up the progress of slower-growing cacti such as astrophytum and ariocarpus. Under ideal conditions, San Pedro can grow up to 18 inches per year and will readily shoot off new pups (branches). Frost hardy to about 26 degrees Fahrenheit, these cacti can be raised outdoors all year in Zone 9 or warmer. Otherwise, it should be kept in medium to large pots that can be moved inside during the winter months. Plants can be watered frequently during the summer months, sometimes as often as every two days if the top inch or two of the soil is dry. During the winter, they should be slowly acclimated to cool, dry, dark conditions to avoid stretching that could damage the aesthetics and structural integrity of the plant. When breaking dormancy in the spring, a reverse process of slowly introducing the factors necessary for growth may be beneficial for the same reason. For optimal skin color, trichocereus pachanoi should be kept in partial rather than full sun and the soil should be well-draining and rich in organic nutrients and minerals. Its blooms are large, white and have a strong, pleasant perfume.

How to root your cactus cuttings:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Trichocereus Peruvianus (Peruvian Torch) – Live Plant Cutting- FREE SHIPPING


Trichocereus Peruvianus is one of the most revered trichocereus species. This easy-to-grow, ornamental, columnar cactus is often recognized with San Pedro because it is also a sacred symbol with a long history of sacramental use amongst the various peoples of South America. It is somewhat less common in landscaping than pachanoi but is still tolerant of a wide variety of conditions and can handle more water and fertilization than most cacti, making it a good species for beginners. Its rapid growth rate rivals that of pachanoi (up to18 inches per year), and it can reach up to 18 feet with maturity. It is sometimes used as a grafting stock, although its large spines, which can easily measure three to four inches, make it more difficult to work with than San Pedro or Blue Myrtle. Like pachanoi, peruvianus is frost hardy to about 26 degrees Fahrenheit and can be raised outdoors all year in Zone 9 or warmer. Otherwise, it should be kept in medium to large pots that can be moved inside during the winter months. Plants can be watered frequently during the summer months. During the winter, they should be slowly acclimated to cool, dry, dark conditions to avoid stretching that could damage the aesthetics and structural integrity of the plant. When breaking dormancy in the spring, a reverse process of slowly introducing the factors necessary for growth may be beneficial for the same reason. For optimal skin color, trichocereus peruvianus should be kept in partial to full sun and the soil should be well-draining and rich in organic nutrients and minerals. Its blooms are also large and white. How to root your cactus cuttings:

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

  **Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Trichocereus Spachianus (Gold Torch) Seeds

Trichocereus Spachianus (Gold Torch)  - Live Plant Seedling

Trichocereus Spachianus is also known as Gold Torch for its numerous short, golden-brown spines. Its lime green body distinguishes it from many other popular trichocereus varieties although older cuttings can be darker. Spachianus is native to western Argentina and Bolivia and is easy to grow in pots. Starting in late spring, its huge, nocturnal, white blooms can expand up six inches in diameter and are attractive to bees. It is a rapid grower and enjoys moderate watering. Branching typically occurs at the base with stems reaching upwards of seven feet with age. This listing is for one small cactus cutting as pictured. These smaller cuttings are ideal for simple grafting projects. You can also root them simply by putting them in some lightly moist cactus soil and waiting for them to send out roots. We have large 12″ cuttings available as well.

Growing Information:

In purchasing, international buyers agree to assume the risk of arrival of all items. We cannot replace lost or seized items. You will be required to confirm that you agree to these terms before item


Turnera Ulmifolia (“Damiana” / Yellow Alder) – Live Plant- FREE SHIPPING

Turnera Ulmifolia ("Damiana" / Yellow Alder) - 1 Live Plant


Turnera Ulmifolia is a close relative to turnera difussa that is often sold as damiana in many other countries. In fact, the two plants are often confused for each other, and they are used for similar purposes as an herb. Turnera Ulmifolia is an aromatic plant. Also known as Yellow Adler, turnera ulmifolia is an ornamental plant with bright yellow blooms an that can range from the size of a quarter to the size of a silver dollar. It blooms throughout the growing season.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Vanila Planifolia (Vanilla Orchid) – Live Plant

Vanila Planifolia (Vanilla Orchid) - Live Plant

This is the actual plant that is used to grow vanilla beans. It is a species of Vanilla orchid that is native to Mexico. It has a high vanillin content, which is used as a flavoring for many of the foods we like. In addition to its use as a flavoring, this species is an excellent ornamental vine with very unique yellow flowers. The self-fertile flowers are hand-pollinated. Afterwards, the fruits appear as long pods that we know as vanilla beans. These pods, which can reach almost a foot in length are the primary source of vanillin. We offer starter size plants.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS.

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.

Zornia Latifolia (Maconha Brava) – 1 Live Plant – FREE SHIPPING

Zornia Latifolia (Maconha Brava) - 1 Live Plant


Zornia Lateriflora is currently gaining attention amongst ethnobotanical collectors after hiding in the jungles of South America (especially Brazil) and Mexico where it was traditionally used as a sedative, a relaxant and a sleep-inducer. There are some indications that zornia may even work well with dreaming due to its hypnotic qualities. Natively, this perennial herb is known as zornia diphylla, maconha brava or barba de burro, and it is believed to have been used by Ancient Gods in that region. In fact, the herb appears in Albert Hoffman and Richard Evan Schultes’ legendary book, Plants of the Gods. Like baybean, it is considered a good and versatile mixing herb. We are extremely excited to be able to offer you a live specimen of this rare botanical.

For more information visit:

Growing Information: This branching herb can grow to about 1.5-2 feet in height. It acts as a perennial in warmer climates. Once established, this species enjoys full sun and can tolerate drought.

We ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only, so please allow at least 1 week for shipping. SORRY, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS. 

**Buyer is responsible for frozen plants. USPS is heated, so the plant will be fine unless you leave it at your door too long. But if you are in a cold area and cannot get the plant right away, signature confirmation can be added to the shipping cost. They will hold the plant until you pick it up.